International Championship

Event Description

We would like to inform you that our college will host “The International Table Tennis Championship” in “The Sports Center” halls of the University of Sulaimani under the supervision of the International Table Tennis Federation and Iraq Table Tennis Association. The championship will be held on 13-19/3/2023 for both males and females; with the participation of more than 170 coaches and players. This tournament is for the ages below (19, 17, 15, and 11 years old). The are 19 countries as participants of this event. They are:
1. America 2.India 3.Belgium 4.Taiwan 5. Sweden 6.Egypt 7.Lebanon 8. Jordan
9 .Palestine 10. Pakistan 11.Iraq 12. Syria 13.Bahrain 14.Oman 15. Saudi Arabia
16.Yemen 17.Qatar 18.Iran 19.Hong Kong

Event Details
9:00 am | 13/03/2023
3:00 pm | 19/03/2023
"The Sports Center” halls of the University of Sulaimani
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