University of Sulaimani
In the initial stages of the reconstruction of the University of Sulaimani in late 1992, the College of Agriculture spearheaded the maintenance of the gardens of the Old Campus. Following the relocation of the College of Agriculture to Bakrajo, this responsibility transitioned to the Department of Gardens, Directorate ddvdof Administration. Upon the completion of the New Campus in 201dvd3, the care of the gardens also became the purview of the Department of Gardens. Presently, the university gardens span approximately four acres of grass, featuring over forty species of plants and boasting a diverse array of approximately 45,000 plants.s
The Area of the Gardens
The university has designated approximately 190 acres of land for gardens and forests across both its old and new campuses. While some of these areas have already been transformed into lush gardens and forests, ongoing efforts are dedicated to converting the remaining land into green spaces. The goal is to ensure that the entire allocated area for greenery becomes verdant in the future.
The Old Campus spans approximately 6 acres, featuring abundant grasslands and diverse tree species. In addition, the New Campus encompasses a much larger area of 185 acres, divided into seven primary zones:
Zone A
Includes facilities such as the Boys' Dormitory, University Stadium, Health Center, Shopping Center, and University Kindergarten.
Zone B
Comprises the College of Physical Education and Sports Halls, Sub-Cafeteria, Guest House, Museum, Congress Hall, and University Presidency.
Zones A and B
Encompass approximately 51 acres, with four acres designated for grass, although this has not yet been completed.
Zone C
Comprises the College of Arts, College of Political Sciences, Department of Computer and Mathematics, College of Engineering, Entrance One, Central Library and Information Technology, Central Cafeteria, and University Police Station. The total area of Zone C is approximately 19 acres, with four acres reserved for grass, yet only around half an acre has been converted to grass thus far.
Zone D
Comprises the College of Basic Education, College of Management and Economics, General Registry, College of Science, and College of Law, covering approximately 20 acres. Four acres have been allocated for grass, with approximately one acre already converted.
Zone E
Includes the Hill of Occasions, totaling about 53 acres, with half of it adorned with forest trees, contributing to its 50% green coverage.
Zone F
Encompasses the Research and Development Center, College of Languages, College of Humanities, Girls' Dormitory, University’s Fire Station, Technician and Maintenance Directorate, and Entrance Two, spanning approximately 28 acres. Two acres have been designated for grass, although planting has yet to occur.
Zone G
Consists of a plant nursery and rest area, covering about 15 acres. Three acres are utilized for plant nurseries, while the remaining twelve acres are intended for greenery. Of these, four acres are already green, adorned with forest trees.
Garden Nurseries
In response to the department's needs and to facilitate the supply of nurseries and trees for planting in areas lacking greenery, as well as for replanting purposes, in 2016 the head of the Department of Gardens decided to establish and construct a nursery. This nursery comprises a significant plastic house covering an area of 9 by 40 square meters. Additionally, two other plastic houses, each measuring 5 by 16 square meters, are also included. Moreover, the nursery accommodates four seed banks dedicated to producing plants from seeds.
Employees of the Gardens
Fifty-two members of staff work at the Department of Gardens, including 10 agricultural engineers, six agricultural supervisors, one accountant, one driver, and 34 gardeners. Among these, one agricultural engineer and nine gardeners are dedicated to maintaining the gardens of the Old Campus, the Kurdistan Center for Documentation and Academic Research, and the university's Cultural Center. The remaining staff members are distributed across zones within the New Campus, where they continue to provide their services.
Here is a list of the names and number of trees on campus:
# | -Common Name of the Plants | -Scientific name of the plants | -Amount |
1. | chinaberry tree | Melia azedarach L. | 200 |
2. | desert fan palm | Washingtonia filifera | 250 |
3. | common olive | Olea europaea | 2000 |
4. | Chinese privet | Ligustrum lucidum | 44 |
5. | bird-of-paradise | Caesalpinia gilliesli | 10 |
6. | tree of heaven | Ailanthus Altissima | 12 |
7. | black locust | Robinia pseudoacacia | 2200 |
8. | Weeping Willow | Salix babylonica | 50 |
9. | Oriental Arbor Vitae | Thuja onentalis | 1550 |
10. | maples | Acer spp. | 160 |
11. | White poplar | Poplus alba | 50 |
12. | bay laurel | lauvus nobilis | 50 |
13. | Calabrian pine | Pinus prita | 2000 |
14. | Mediterranean cypress | cupressus sempervirens L. | 5000 |
15. | Mediterranean cypress | cupressus sempervirens L. | 2500 |
16. | African juniper | Juniperus procera | 400 |
17. | white mulberry | MORUS ALBA | 600 |
18. | narrow-leaved ash | Fraxinus rounndifolia Mill. | 250 |
19. | Arizona cypress | Cypressus arizonica | 500 |
20. | Eldar pine | Pinus elderica | 500 |
21. | Field Elm | Ulmus minor | 150 |
22. | oriental sycamore, | Plantanus orientalis | 200 |
23. | Peruvian peppertree | Schinus molle | 20 |
24. | golden raintree | Koelreuteria paniculata | 60 |
25. | black siris | Albizia odoratissima | 200 |
26. | Judas tree | Cercis siliquasrum L. | 50 |
27. | Weeping Bottle-brush | Melaleuca viminalis | 50 |
28. | common privet | Ligustrum hedge | 3100 |
29. | Crepe Myrtle | Lagerstroemis indica | 400 |
30. | Oleander | Nerium oleander | 2000 |
31. | Japanese pittosporum | Pittosporum tobira | 300 |
32. | Photinia robusta | Photinia robusta | 500 |
33. | Lantana | Lantana camara | 200 |
34. | scarlet firethorn | Pyracantha coccinea | 1200 |
35. | Rosemary | Rosmarinus officinalis | 5000 |
36. | myrtle | Myrtus communis | 10000 |
37. | Japanese euonymus | Euonymus japonicus | 2000 |
38. | broadleaf hopbush | Dodonaea viscosa | 2000 |
39. | Rosemary | Rose SPP. | 200 |
40. | English lavender | Lavandula ongustifolia | 150 |