Sulaimani University Sports Club Elects its Administrative Board


Sulaimani University Sports Club elected its first board in the presence of 64 members. In a unique process and in the presence of Dr. Kosar Mohammed, the president of Sulaimani University, an election was held for theadministrative board of Sulaimani University Club today.

The members of the selection committee included KarwanSheikh Zirak, Director of Sulaimani Sports Directorate, Idris Mohammed, Head of Clubs Department of SulaimaniGeneral Sports Directorate, Mahmoud Abdulrahman, Head of Clubs Department and Shabaz Hakim, from the media directorate of Sulaimani Sports.

First, Karwan Sheikh Zirak gave a necessary explanation on the process and then Haji Idris explained the election process to the audience. Then, Dr. Kawa, the interim president of the university sports club, read out a report on the sports and financial activities of the club since its establishment.

Lastly, the process of election of the members of the administrative board of the club started and 11 people nominated themselves, then voting for the eleven candidates began and 8 members received the necessary votes and became members of the board.

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