The University President Honors the (WFP) Representatives


The University President Honors the (WFP) Representatives on Wednesday August 30th 2023

Professor Dr. Kosar Mohammed, the president of SulaimaniUniversity, welcomed the representatives of the UN World Food Program (WFP) in Slemani and expressed his appreciation fortheir assistance and services to the university.

In the meeting, Ms. Niaz Ibrahim, the WFP Representative in Slemani and Ms. Talar Karim, the WFP Inter-cultural dialogueprogram supervisor, were congratulated and awarded by the president for the successful completion of the program and the start of the next phases of WFP programs through the continued cooperation and support between the University of Sulaimaniand WFP.

In the meeting, Asst. Prof. Amir Sardar, the director of CDC at Sulaimani University, thanked the president and WFP for all the assistance and facilitations they have been providing.

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