The University President Honored a Group of Talented Researchers


On October 17, 2023, Sulaimani University’s Presidency hosted an award ceremony for accomplished researchers listed in this year’s Stanford University compilation of world-renowned scientists.

Professor Dr. Kosar Mohammed, President of University of Sulaimani, expressed gratitude to the teachers who significantly contributed to the university’s top position in Kurdistan Region and its global and national rankings at the ceremonys outset.

Later, the President listened closely to the teachers’ ideas and requests, assuring them of the university’s commitment to meeting their needs and providing financial support for their research. Despite financial challenges, he recognized the teachers’ continuous efforts to elevate the university’s academic standards. The awards presented today are just a small token of appreciation, as their dedication deserves much more.

Assistant Professor Dr. Zana Mahmood, Vice President for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies, and Assistant Professor Dr. Yohan Osman, Director of University Media and Culture Directorate, were also present at the ceremony.

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