University of Sulaimani and SEED Organization Sign a Memorandum of Understanding


On November 1, 2023, Professor Dr. Kosar M. Ali, the President of the University of Sulaimani, extended a warm welcome to a delegation from the SEED Foundation, led by Sherri Kraham Talabany, chief executive officer of the organization.
During the meeting, representatives from the University of Sulaimani and the SEED Foundation engaged in a discussion aimed at enhancing the ties between the two institutions. They also explored ways to share information and leverage the university’s resources to address pressing social issues within our community, with a particular focus on addressing domestic and gender violence, especially in the provinces of Sulaymaniyah and Halabja. It’s worth noting that the SEED Foundation has a longstanding commitment to addressing these issues and has been actively involved in Erbil for several years.
Moreover, the president of University of Sulaimani delivered a speech shedding light on the history and contributions of the university in the realms of gender equality, combatting domestic violence, and advocating for women’s rights in our society. University of Sulaimani, as a scholarly and academic institution, has accumulated a wealth of experience in these areas by actively promoting awareness within our community. The president expressed his delight about the presence of non-governmental organizations from various sectors, recognizing the valuable role they play in further serving our community.
At the end of the meeting, a memorandum of understanding was signed with the presence of ; the President of the University of Sulaimani, the chief executive officer of the SEED Foundation; Professor Dr. Kawa Jamal, the Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs; Assistant Professor Dr. Zana Mahmood, the Vice President for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies; Assistant Professor Dr. Karzan Ghafur, Director of International Academic Relations; Assistant Professor Dr. Yohan Osman, Director of Culture and Media and Mr. Twana Ali, Director of Information Technology.
The SEED Foundation is a non-governmental organization that has dedicated a decade to operating in the Kurdistan Region, focusing on promoting gender diversity and combatting domestic violence. Over the years, they have undertaken numerous initiatives aimed at raising societal awareness about gender issues and addressing family violence in the Kurdistan Region.

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