University of Sulaimani President Visits Garmian University



On September 30, 2024, Professor Dr. Kosar Mohammed Ali, President of the University of Sulaimani, and Professor Dr. Omid Rafiq, President of Cihan University-Sulaimani, visited Professor Dr. Aras Fariq Zainal, the newly appointed President of Garmian University in Kalar, to congratulate him on his inauguration. The meeting was attended by staff from the President’s Office of the University of Sulaimani, the accompanying delegation, and the Garmian University council. Discussions focused on the state of higher education and collaboration between the University of Sulaimani, Garmian University, and Cihan University-Sulaimani. They explored the possibility of conducting joint academic initiatives aimed at enhancing the development of the universities and improving the scientific capacities of faculty and students alike.

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