University of Sulaimani Organizes Hiking Trip to Goizha Mountain



On December 13, 2024, the University of Sulaimani facilitated a hiking excursion to Goizha Mountain, under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Kosar Mohamed Ali, President of the University. The event was attended by university lecturers, faculty members, and students, highlighting a collective engagement in environmental and academic activities.

This initiative formed part of a broader program commemorating World Mountaineering Day, organized by the College of Science. Alongside the hiking trip, the College conducted a three-day series of scientific seminars aimed at fostering academic discourse among faculty and students.

Prof. Dr. Fazil Ahmad Lawa, who coordinated the events on behalf of the College of Science, stated that the hiking trip was instrumental in launching the Mountaineering Committee for university staff. He elaborated, “The primary objective of this initiative was to enhance the university’s relationship with the natural environment and facilitate academic collaboration with communities in regions the committee intends to visit.”

Dr. Fazil Ahmed further highlighted the committee’s long-term vision, emphasizing its potential to strengthen the university’s connection to Kurdish society while addressing environmental challenges and creating opportunities for scientific research in mountainous areas.

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