University of Sulaimani Presidency Issues Message on Kurdistan Flag Day



The Presidency of the University of Sulaimani has extended congratulations on the occasion of Kurdistan Flag Day, observed annually on December 17th. In the message, they emphasized the importance of honoring the sacred Kurdistan flag as a symbol of the Kurdish people’s struggle for freedom, justice, and their legitimate rights.
The full text of the message reads:
“On the occasion of Kurdistan Flag Day, the Presidency and Council of the University of Sulaimani extend our warmest congratulations to the people of Kurdistan in general, and to all the teachers, employees, and students of the University of Sulaimani in particular. We hope this day marks a new chapter of success for the Kurdish people and contributes to a better life for the citizens of the Kurdistan Region.
Kurdistan Flag Day is a significant and historic day for every Kurd across the globe. It is a symbol of our people’s immense struggle and sacrifices. Therefore, it is our collective duty to honor this day with respect and to strive for a brighter future, upholding our national spirit and Kurdish identity under the shadow of our sacred flag.
A prosperous future will be achieved through the continued advancement of scientific and academic standards at the university, while overcoming challenges. This commitment is the greatest tribute to the souls of our martyrs, who gave their lives for our present and the honor of our flag.”
Happy Kurdistan Flag Day

The Presidency of the University of Sulaimani

December 17, 2024

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